4 Reasons to Choose Concrete Pumping Services

When starting your next project it would be smart to consider choosing concrete pumping rather than using a wheelbarrow and manual labor. An advantage that concrete pumping has is that they are specifically designed to be the most cost and time-effective choice. 

Save Time and Labor 

  • When using a concrete pump it will save you money and time. This will be achieved by delivering concrete faster and more accurately compared to other traditional methods. It also requires that less time will be spent on on-site preparation. 

Reduce the Chance of Property Damage 

  • When it comes to using the big concrete trucks they are more than capable of damaging personal property as well as city property. The concrete pump helps eliminate this problem by having the pump at the edge of the site. That is because the concrete pump has a hose that can reach up to 500ft. The weight of the concrete truck could cause damage such as crushing sidewalks, driveways, sewer lines, patios, water lines, and even electrical. Another aspect is that they can also cause unnecessary damage to lawns or deep grooves in the grass requiring special landscaping to fix. The concrete pump eliminates this by leaving the truck at the edge of the site and using flexible piping to pump the concrete where it needs to go.

Stay on Schedule

  •  With concrete pumping allows the contractor and homeowner to stay on schedule. When it comes to pumping the concrete, the concrete pump accurately and efficiently pumps the right mix of concrete regardless of weather or job site conditions. With the steady flow that makes the concrete pump work so well, it increases productivity. Overall when it comes to concrete timing is key and concrete pumping is all about timing.

Increase Volume while Saving Money

  • Pumping is faster than dumping! Concrete pumping also allows for better and more accurate placement of concrete. The savings in labor, damage, and schedule will add up over the course of your project, and concrete pumping will save you money in the long run. It is more efficient with less manpower and allows for a safer workflow at the job site. It will also help complete the projects faster with fewer people involved.
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